"Youth Wıll Shape The World"


Welcome Letter

Dear participants, it is my utmost pleasure and honor to welcome you all to the 11th annual session of Hüseyin Avni Sözen Model United Nations Conference. I, Haktan Keskin, consider it a priceless and flattering opportunity to serve as the Secretary-General in HASALMUN'24, a dream come true that transcends borders in an effort to bring together young minds eager to discuss the most prevalent issues we are facing today.

It would be an understatement to say that I am exhilarated by the level of interest you all have shown towards HASALMUN’24. It is my desire to create an environment in which you will find the chance to put your negotiation and critical thinking abilities into action and have a greater awareness of societal issues. What will be expected of you is to exhibit an unmatched sense of collaboration, think outside the box, and step into the shoes of bureaucrats during the conference

It is an honor to state that HASALMUN has proved itself as one of the most well-prepared Model United Conferences in Türkiye ever since its first annual session over a decade ago. This year, we have proudly come up with 11 intriguing committees befitting our 11th annual session. It is our sincerest intent that our conference will be an inclusive environment where everyone is respected and embraced for their unique perspective.

I would like to express my most heartfelt gratitude to any and every one of you attending our conference in various positions as well as our organization and academy team for being with us. Finally, I wish you the best of luck in the conference, and I hope that we were successful in generating the finest possible conference for you. With our guidance and assistance, you will be expected to complete the work that we began.

Once again, I welcome you all to the 11th edition of Hüseyin Avni Sözen Model United Nations Conference. We cannot wait to meet you in May



IMO(The International Maritime Organisation)

Agenda Item: Ensuring the fair distribution and mining of deep sea resources in international waters

The International Maritime Organisation, shortly known as IMO, was established in the year 1948; however, its first meeting was held eleven years after, in 1959. IMO is a specialized agency of the UN that strives to reduce the water, air pollution caused by shipping and to improve the security, safety standards for international shipping. With its 175 member states IMO is aiming to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, namely SDG 14: Life Below Water. The utmost objective of IMO is to build an international regulatory framework, regarding international shipping, which is applicable, comprehensive for all countries. The assembly of IMO gathers every two years so as to develop their strategies towards combating environmental pollution, securing and improving the efficiency of maritime activities. Shipping is by far the most popular way of transportation for many types of goods, mainly owing to its affordability; consequently, the actions of IMO are invaluable. Hence, it is crucial for IMO to ensure that no ship operator or country by any means violates the set rules of the pre-existing legal framework while trying to cut their expenses.

Under-Secretary General: Barış Yavaş

Committee Level: Beginner

Study Guide

UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs)

Agenda Item: Securing the long-term sustainability of outer space and increasing the accesibility of space exploration instruments of under-developed and developing countries

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) was established by the General Assembly on 13 December 1958, initially as a small expert unit. Through developments that took place in history and the increasing need for its acts, UNOOSA has now gained significant importance. UNOOSA aims to promote international collaboration in the peaceful use and exploration of space, as well as the utilization of space science and technology to achieve sustainable economic and social development. In this regard, UNOOSA has proposed a slogan as “Access Space 4 All” to enable worldwide communities to benefit from space technologies and realize their maximal potential to contribute to climate action. Furthermore, UNOOSA reckons that space technology is closely correlated to reaching the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established under the 2030 agenda.

Under-Secretary General: İrem Ayber

Committee Level: Beginner

Study Guide

OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)

Agenda Item: Examining the 2021 Malian coup d'état and assuring humane social rights in the region

OHCHR, which stands for High Commissioner for Human Rights, is the most significant sub-unit of the UN working on human rights. It started as a small department in the 1940s, was upgraded to the Human Rights Center in the 1980s and moved to Geneva. The Vienna Declaration and Program of Action adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights made specific recommendations for better progress on problems about human rights and called for the establishment of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on 14-25 June 1993. Then, in December 1993, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights was established by the United Nations General Assembly. Today, OHCHR collaborates with governments to ensure that all citizens have access to fundamental human rights, provides a forum to define, highlight, focus on human rights research, education, public information and advocacy, and develop responses to today's human rights. It acts and functions as the Secretariat of the Human Rights Council.

Under-Secretary General: Janset Keser

Committee Level: Beginner

Study Guide

UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Agenda Item: Offsetting the repercussions of the rising sea levels and changing currents

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is an international treaty which was signed in the year 1992. The first and foremost goal of UNFCCC is to minimize the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and to stabilize the GHG concentrations in the atmosphere. UNFCCC has 198 parties and gathers annually in the Conference of the Parties (COP) to discuss the progress and future prospects for combating climate change. The adoption of the Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol and the annual COP gatherings are significant achievements of UNFCCC. Moreover, the technology transfer, capacity building practices and the establishment of Global Climate Funds are some crucial steps taken by the parties. In COP28, which was held in November 2023, the parties came to the conclusion that progress towards eliminating climate change was slow-paced and achieving the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development seemed unlikely. Therefore, UNFCCC is and will be taking much bigger and effective steps to achieve its aim. The anthropogenic background of climate change is increasing by day and the consequences of this global crisis are evident. The rising sea levels, temperatures and the climbing number of climate refugees are all indicators of the growing climate crisis and these issues must be addressed immediately. Hence, the multilateral efforts of UNFCCC are now more important than ever for the generations to come

Under-Secretary General: Doğa Arıkan

Committee Level: Beginner

Study Guide

Washington Treaty (North Atlantic Treaty)

Agenda Item: Establishing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, briefly NATO or OTAN, was established in the aftermath of World War II and currently consists of 31 members (29 European and 2 North Atlantic) while stating that its membership is open to “any other European state in a position to further the principles of this Treaty”. Also known as the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO focuses on two main areas namely political and military alliance and security. Thus, NATO promotes the idea of collective defense by considering any attack against one ally as an opposition to all allies. The fellow delegates of this committee will be having discussions upon the agreement between the member states joining the North Atlantic Treaty and the path going through it.

Under-Secretary General: İdil Çimen

Academic Assistant: Öykü Tekman

Committee Type: Special

Study Guide


Agenda Item: Negotiations to end the apartheid in South Africa

The Convention for a Democratic South Africa, or CODESA, was a turning point in South Africa’s battle against its oppressive regime. In 1991, representatives from diverse political organizations gathered in the World Trade Center, thanks to CODESA, to negotiate how they would dismantle apartheid and walk towards a democratic future together. Amidst all the uncertainty and violence, they came up with the very principles of a united, non-racial, and non-sexist state.

As apartheid’s authority over its citizens started to loosen, CODESA 1, the first plenary session of CODESA, proved itself as a beacon of hope for South Africans. A total of ninety-two organizations, motivated by the same vision of freedom, gathered to reshape the pillars their nation was standing on. However, the stakes were higher than ever. It was certain that an interim government was absolutely needed, but entrusting it to the existing corrupted power structures was not an option. Against all setbacks, CODESA 1 set clear guidelines: non-partisan control, international participation, and a constituent assembly based on one-person-one-vote. Thus, the path to democracy and non-discrimination started to get paved.

The legacy of CODESA 1 continues to inspire justice and reconciliation all over the globe. Today, as you, young delegates, step into the shoes of past leaders, you will inherit courage, dialogue, and a commitment to fairness. Let CODESA 1 inspire all of us—a reminder that even in darkness, determination can light the way.

Under-Secretary General: Emir Elhatip

Committee Type: Special

Study Guide

JCC: Six-Day War

Israel's bombing of Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian airports in the morning hours of June 5, 1967 was the beginning of the Six-Day War, the effects of which are still seen today. The 1948 Arab-Israeli war broke out due to the refugee problem that arose as a result of Israel declaring its independence in the Palestinian territories and deporting the people living in the region. This war first affected the war which occurred in 1956, when England, France and Israel attacked Egypt, and then the war occurred in 1967. Among the reasons for the war that broke out in 1967 were Egyptian President Nasser's desire to avenge the wars of 1948 and 1956 and the ideology of Pan-Arabism. The war officially began on June 5, 1967, when Israel shot down six Syrian planes at Damascus airport, as a result of years of high tension. The most critical areas of the war are the West Bank and the Golan Heights. The capture of the Golan Heights not only increased Israel's dominance over Syria, thanks to the high location of the hills, but also changed the geopolitical balances. The West Bank coming under Israeli control led to the occupation of East Jerusalem. The war ended on June 10, 1967, when Israel quadrupled its territory and first Jordan, then Cairo, Egypt and Syria withdrew from the war, respectively.

Under-Secretary General: İpek Şen

Committee Level: Advanced

Study Guide

Hellenic League

Agenda Item: Greco-Persian War

In the annals of ancient history, the Greco-Persian Wars shine as a beacon of unity and defiance, casting a radiant glow upon the valorous deeds of the Greek city-states. Faced with the looming specter of Persian expansionism, disparate factions set aside their differences and forged an indomitable alliance, bound by the common thread of Hellenic pride and freedom. From the rocky shores of Athens to the sun-drenched plains of Sparta, the clarion call to arms resonated with a fervor unmatched, as warriors of every city-state rallied beneath the sacred banner of liberty. With unwavering resolve and an unwavering commitment to their homeland, these intrepid Greeks met the Persian juggernaut head-on, their shields interlocking in a formidable phalanx of unity and solidarity. Across land and sea, they repelled the invading forces with unparalleled tenacity, turning the tide of history against their would-be conquerors. Though outnumbered and outmatched, the Greeks' fervent spirit and unyielding determination proved to be their greatest weapons, securing a legacy of defiance and valor that would echo throughout the ages, inspiring generations yet unborn. Thus, the Greco-Persian Wars stand as a testament to the enduring power of unity in the face of adversity, where the flame of freedom burned bright and the spirit of Greece soared to sublime heights

Under-Secretary General: Ayperi Doğular

Committee Type: Semi-Crisis

Study Guide

Napoleon's Cabinet

Agenda Item: Napoleon’s Rise

Napoleon Bonaparte was a well-respected French military general and political leader who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries. He became a significant figure during the French Revolution, when he had only graduated from military school, as a supporter of democracy and the famous saying “liberty, equality, fraternity”. However, after the revolution he accumulated the governing powers in his hands and declared himself as the Emperor. On the other hand, his military achievements, the techniques he utilized in battles were taught in military schools. During his years of power he conquered lands especially in Europe. Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia occurred in the year 1812, during the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon had commenced the invasion with an army consisting of more than 600,000 soldiers but owing to the harsh climate of Russia, logistical conflicts the army could not endure the invasion for a long period. Not having achieved the victory he was anticipating, Napoleon started his retreat from Russia. During the retreat many more losses occurred in the military and this event, thus, often referred to as the “Great Retreat”.

Under-Secretary General: Çağan Can Doğan

Committee Type: Cabinet

Study Guide

UNSC (United Nations Security Council)

Agenda Item: Six-Day War

UNSC, which is the abbreviation of United Nations Security Council, has existed since the establishment of the UN and started legitimate actions on October 24, 1945. It is the most important organ of the United Nations. Moreover, its scope is the maintenance of international peace and security. The UNSC has a total of 15 members, five of which are permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA) and ten temporary members chosen by the General Assembly for a two-year period. The UNSC has great authority over governments and has a broad scope, including but not limited to imposing sanctions and authorizing the use of force and addressing threats to international peace and security.

Under-Secretary General: Ömer Alp Şiringöz

Committee Type: Semi-Crisis

Study Guide

High Level Political Dialogue

Türkiye-EU Negotiations for Membership

European Union (EU) is a supranational organization composed of 27 European countries. Established soon after World War II, the EU targets to foster peace, stability, and economic prosperity in the region. One example of significant EU issues is Türkiye’s candidacy to be a member of the association. Türkiye is considered as a strategic partner of the EU on several issues such as climate, migration, security, counter-terrorism and the economy. Despite the fact that Türkiye’s involvement with it dates back to 1959, a complete membership has not been made possible. Started in 2005, accession negotiations still haven’t reached a satisfying conclusion for both sides due to some disputes related to certain matters.

Under-Secretary General: Alper Sağtaş

Academic Assistant: Nazlı Girgin

Committee Type: High Political

Study Guide

Our exclusive conference will be held on 10-11-12th of May Nişantaşı University



I. Day
12.30-14.00 REGITRATION
15.30-16.00 COFFEE BREAK
16.00-17.30 I. SESSION
17.30-18.00 COFFEE BREAK
18.00-19.30 II. SESSION
II. Day
09.30-11.00 III. SESSION
11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.00 IV. SESSION
13.00-14.30 LUNCH
14.30-16.00 V. SESSION
16.00-16.30 COFFEE BREAK
16.30-18.00 VI. SESSION
18.00-18.30 COFFEE BREAK
18.30-19.30 VII. SESSION
III. Day
09.30-11.00 VIII. SESSION
11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK
11.30-13.00 IX. SESSION
13.00-14.30 LUNCH
14.30-16.00 X. SESSION
16.00-16.30 COFFEE BREAK


Nişantaşı University 1453 NeoTech Campus Maslak Mahalesi, Taşyoncası Sokak, No: 1V ve No:1Y Sarıyer/İstanbul
Our conference will be held at Nişantaşı University 1453 NeoTech Campus. The campus is within the borders of Maslak, Sarıyer on the European side.
You can easily arrive at Nişantaşı University by using the M2 Yenikapı-Hacıosman metro. After you get off at İTÜ-Ayazağa station, go to the “Maslak Plazalar” exit. Our shuttles will be waiting for you in front of “Sun Plaza” and take you to the university. You can also exit from M2 at “İTÜ” exit, take the 41N bus and get off at the last station. You can transfer to M2 metro from Marmaray at Yenikapı station and Metrobus line at Şişli-Mecidiyeköy and Zincirlikuyu stations.